Minister of Communication, spokesman of the government, said "Dialogue, national duty to overcome current situation"

Minister of Communication, spokesman of the government, Hassan Rabehi, said Thursday that dialogue was a "national duty " to overcome the country's current situation.

"Dialogue is a national duty and every Algerian, wherever he is and whatever his obedience, should adhere to it to allow the country overcoming this situation," Rabehi told a news conference held at the end of a working visit to Ouargla (800-km south of Algiers).

"Algeria needs today all its citizens to positively getting involved in dialogue and assume the responsibility of preserving the country and its institutions."

The minister said he was "optimistic" about the efforts of the National Body of Dialogue and Mediation.

"We support and welcome all initiatives aimed at safeguarding the country and getting everything set for the presidential election, through which a president will be elected sovereignly to get the prerogatives to run the country in the coming period."



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