Establishment of the ARPE: The Minister of Communication initiated the consultation with the actors of the sector

As part of the launch of the process of the establishment of the Regulatory Authority of Print Media - ARPE, decided by His Excellency the President of the Republic, Mr. Abdelaziz BOUTEFLIKA, and prioritized in the Government's action plan, Minister of Communication, Mr. Djamel KAOUANE has initiated a series of consultations with stakeholders in the sector.
Consultation is dictated by the need to have the broadest possible perception of the corporation's view on the process that implies and engages it, especially since the approach consists in structuring which will enable the press to take charge and regulate its professional and ethical situation.
The Minister met yesterday afternoon with the Secretary General of the National Union of Journalists – SNJ, Mr. Kamel AMARNI he listened to the proposals and received positive feedback concerning, should notice Mr. AMARNI, «a process that the SNJ called his wishes ».
Minister also received, on the morning of Wednesday, October 4, 2017, Mr. Zahir MEHDAOUI and Mr. Riadh BOUKHEDCHA, founding members of the future national federation of Algerian journalists – FNJA who expressed their enthusiasm and availability for these perspectives.
Consultations will continue, which will involve journalists and editors from the different horizons of the public and private press
                      Communiqué of 04th Octobre 2017


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